Fever Panel - Basic


Price : Rs. 1200 2400

Total Tests : 18

  • Malarial Antigen
  • Typhoid Test
  • Hemoglobin (HB)
  • Erythrocyte Count (RBC Count)
  • Packed Cell Volume (Hematocrit)
  • Platelet Count
  • Total Leucocyte Count(WBC)
  • Neutrophils
  • Lymphocytes
  • Eosinophils
  • Monocytes
  • Basophils
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • Rdw- Cv
  • Pick & Quick Booking

    Book Now, Pay Later

    You will get a payment link before sample collection. You can also make the payment by Scan QR code at the time of collection or pay cash to the technician.

    No queues, no hassles. Everything done at home.